Monday 26 January 2009

Draft Ideas

I have decided to make a thriller film. we had initially 3 draft ideas.

Idea 1
Action/thriller - which entailed a young male engaging in a drug deal, when it all goes wrong and his brother is kidnapped by the drug dealer. We thought that this idea was good because the narrative was suitable for the thriller/action genre and it is a subject out target audience would be interested in. We decided not to do go through with this idea however because it is not practical in terms of the type of charcters we would need and the number of people required to do the film. We also decided not to because Action as sub-genre of thriller was not the most popular according to my survey findings.

Idea 2
horror/thriller- Our second idea was a young girl walking home from a house party she been to, on her way back she is attacked and wakes up tied to a chair in a basement. We thought this idea was good because it empathises with our target audience and is relevant to their age group. We chose not to pursue this idea however because issues such as lighting would have been difficult, to get appropriate filming light at night time . We also decided not to do this idea because the appropriate location of a basement was inaccessible.

Idea 3
Our third idea is A young girl who suffers a disfiguration as a child, as a result of an attack by school bullies. The film is documenting a diary she has made and gives an insight into the plot of revenge by the young girl. We thought this idea was appropriate because it falls under the popular sub-genre of physcological thriller and it would give us scope to use a wide variety of shots unlike the other ideas.
Idea 4
Idea 4 is the plot we are going to pursue for our production. It will contain a scrapbook much like the one in seven and will portray a story much like the one in idea 3 with the intent for revenge after a viscious attack. In our production it will show the killer following its school bully and will document her finding the diary. We chose this idea becuase it allowed us to use a variety of shots and sequences we thought would keep our audience interested.

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