Friday 13 March 2009

Evaluation Pod

In doing the evaluation verbally infront of a camera i felt less comfortable than if we had to write it on our blog. Althogh we were given the quetions first i think it was hard to adress elements of your production you wanted to comment on. However i fink doing a pod evaluation makes it more interesting and it looks proffesional.


During our filming, we have numerous takes on any one shot, to ensure that when we come to editing we would have at least one shot that we wanted to use.
Whilst making our recodring and editing log we found that the the more times we shot a sequence the better the quality became. Most of the shots picked from our recording log are 2nd or 3rd takes.
Our editing decision list was depicted from shots off our recording log we labelled 'good' or 'ok' according to the camera movement, position and lighting in the shot.
From making my editing decision list i learned the importance of choosing and ordering shots prior to editing. I also learned that it is quite a time comsuming process making the edit decision list and i would have granted myself more time if i was to make my production again.


Our first sequence of the shots of the book will be filmed at my house because it is appropriate to the story as the killer is subliminally a teenage girls so the setting of my bedroom was will be appropriate. Also the lighting can be altered easily indoors giving us the dark and eerie effect we want to be in the shot.
The equiptment we will need will be a camera, mini dv tape, tripod, and battery. Microphones and headphones will not be necessary as there is no dialogue in our production.
The secound sequence will be shot outside on the street at night. We chose the location to film based on the surroundings which were trees and an ambient red lighting given off by streetlights. We chose this location because it was quiet and looked desolate which fitted in with our desired effect.
The equiptment needed to film the secound sequence is the same as that needed in the first, however the tripod will only be used in the establishing shots as the following will ba shot hand held.
We plan to get all the filming done in one week from the 15th jan - 22nd jan.

Casting and Props

The character in our production will be a white teenage middle class girl Eve Monaghan.John Carpenter's Halloween is often credited with creating an early basis for the slasher genre. The way in which a mentally disturbed killer, disguised as they stalk their prey, sneaks up on female victim in a vulnerable moment. This is the same convention used in our production so we decided to use the conventional character of a young naiive teenage girl.

The props we used in our production were;
The Srapbook - the book contained a collage of maccarbe images and disturbing content. It mirrors the symbolisation that the book in red dragon has, bieng that our scrapbook sets up the plot for the audience and gives them an insight into the storyline.
The knife - A knife is a typical prop that would be in a horror/thriller films such as Halloween and Pyscho. We chose to use the knife as a prop becauase it was accesible and realisitic and was relevant to the story.

Role Allocation

Grace Carter and Bonny Wilson.
First sequence - filmed by Bonny Wilson directed by Grace Carter
Secound sequence - filmed by Grace Carter directed by Grace Carter
Editing - Both
Music by - Bonny Wilson
Props/Scrapbook- Grace Carter
Written by both